Assam teacher booked for forcing female student to watch porn

Karimganj: A head teacher of a government school has been booked for allegedly forcing a female student to watch pornography in the classroom. The incident took place on August 12, in the Karimganj district of Assam.Gay porno As per Karimganj’s superintendent, the police have registered a case against the teacher under several sections of the Protections of Children from Sexual Offences (POSCO) Act. The girl’s family said that although she was first hesitant to inform them about the incident, she eventually told her mother. “She revealed that the teacher forced her to watch something ugly. He also touched her inappropriately,” said a family member. According to the SP, the school was vandalized and set on fire by angry locals. They even tried to attack the teacher but he managed to escape. He added, “Since the locals have caused damage to government property, we’ll register a case against them too. We are investigating the matter as of now.” “We send our kids to school so that they get an education and become better human beings, but what they’ll learn from a teacher like this,” a local said based on anonymity to Hindustan Times.


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